May 30, 2022

Missouri Veterans Cemetery – Jacksonville Dedicates New Columbarium Wall

JEFFERSON CITY – A new columbarium wall was dedicated today during Missouri Veterans Cemetery – Jacksonville’s annual Memorial Day ceremony. Annual services are held at the five Missouri Veteran Cemeteries across the state to honor military members who gave their lives in service to their country. 

Veterans, their families, and friends gathered around the new columbarium wall as Harold Carothers sang the national anthem to begin the ceremony, followed by a welcome from Missouri Veterans Commission (MVC) Executive Director Paul Kirchhoff.

“This columbarium wall will be the final resting place of our nation’s greatest heroes; the individuals who wrote a blank check, allowing us to participate in the very freedoms we are enjoying today,” said Executive Director Paul Kirchhoff.

Representative Chuck Basye gave the keynote address. A Veteran himself, Representative Basye serves as a Commissioner for MVC.

“I encourage all our citizens to visit one of Missouri’s Veterans cemeteries, not just on Memorial Day, but throughout the year,” Representative Basye said. “These beautiful cemeteries should provide visitors with a sense of immense appreciation and respect for our interred veterans for the sacrifices that have been made throughout the history of the United States. The state employees who maintain the five Missouri Veterans Cemeteries do a tremendous job and I am grateful for their efforts.” 

The first columbarium wall at Jacksonville reached capacity in March 2022. The new $1.95 million project was funded through both Veterans Commission Capital Improvement Trust Funds and Veterans Health and Care Funds from medical marijuana; these funds are up to 100% reimbursable by the Veterans Administration (VA) through the Veterans Cemetery Grant Program. MVC broke ground on the new project on September 1, 2021. The wall is scheduled to be 100% completed by mid-June of this year.

The Missouri Veterans Commission operates seven State Veterans Homes, five State Veterans Cemeteries, and the Veterans Service Program. The Commission is committed to honoring and serving Missouri’s Veterans whose dedication and sacrifices have preserved our nation and its freedoms. For more information about the Missouri Veterans Commission programs, call 573-751-3779 or visit  


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