Missouri Veterans Commission News Release
April 21, 2016
The Missouri Veterans Commission has announced it will move its Fort Leonard Wood Veterans Service Office from the current location at 140 Replacement Avenue, Building 470 Rm 2218-A to a new location at the St. Robert Municipal Center/City Hall, 194 Eastlawn Avenue, St. Robert, Missouri.
To facilitate the move, both the Fort Leonard Wood location and the St. Robert location will be closed April 27 through May 4, reopening in the St. Robert Municipal Center May 5. An open house at the new location will be held May 16, from 10 am to noon, with the public and elected officials invited.
Veterans Service Officers assist Veterans and their dependents with filing for VA benefits, including submitting the claims applications with all necessary documentation.
Veterans Service Officers will be available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. To contact the St. Robert Veterans Service Office call 573-451-2533.
A full map of State Service Officers can be found at www.mvc.dps.mo.gov/service/serviceofficer.
The Missouri Veterans Commission, a state agency, operates seven State Veterans Homes, five State Veterans Cemeteries, and the Veterans Services Program. The Commission is committed to honoring and serving Missouri’s Veterans whose dedication and sacrifices have preserved our nation and its freedoms. For more information about the Missouri Veterans Commission programs, call 573-751-3779, online at www.mvc.dps.mo.gov, or facebook.com/MissouriVeteransCommission.