March 15, 2013

Albany, Missouri Added to Veterans Service Officer Outreach Locations

The Missouri Veterans Commission today announced the addition of Albany, Missouri as an outreach travel stop for the Veterans Service Program, making it easier for Veterans in the surrounding communities and counties to have access to their VA benefits. The Veterans Service office will be located at the Missouri Division of Aging building at 504 East Hwy 136, Albany, MO.
Christina Fierros, the Veterans Service Officer will be available at the Albany office on the first Wednesday of each month and can be reached on that Wednesday at 660-726-3800.
"A recent statewide review of the program indicated this area of Missouri was underserved," said Doug Meyer, Director of the Veterans Service Program, "This is part of a continuing process to ensure Veterans will receive quality assistance in receiving all available benefits and give the Veterans solid information on when and where a Service Officer will be located and we thank the Missouri Division of Aging for providing us with this excellent location.”
To contact Ms. Fierros in advance to set up an appointment she can be reached by phone in St. Joseph at 816-387-2841, or by email at
A full map of State Service Officers can be found at
The Missouri Veterans Commission, a state agency, operates seven State Veterans Homes, five State Veterans Cemeteries, and the Veterans Services Program.  The Commission is committed to honoring and serving Missouri's Veterans whose dedication and sacrifices have preserved our nation and its freedoms.  For more information about the Missouri Veterans Commission programs, call 573-751-3779, online at, or


For more information, call 573-522-1421 or e-mail