Missouri Veterans Commission News Release
May 22, 2012
Missouri Veterans Commission Announces New Hours for North Central Missouri Veterans Service Officers
With the recent hiring of new Veterans Service Officers (VSO), the Missouri Veterans Commission released updated schedules for its North Central Missouri VSOs.
"With the hiring of our new VSOs, we took the opportunity to rework the schedules for efficiency and give the Veterans solid information on when and where the Service Officer would be," said Doug Meyer, Director of the Veterans Service Program, "This is part of a continuing process to ensure Veterans will receive quality assistance in receiving all available benefits.”
The Service Officer, Counties covered, and contact info is below. For guaranteed service, please call in advance.
Jesse Campbell Harrison, Mercer, Daviess, Grundy, Livingston Counties M-W-F Ph: 816-387-2841 525 Jules, Room 320 St. Joseph, MO 64501 Tue Ph: 660-646-5051 603 W. Mohawk, Chillicothe, MO 64601 Th Ph: 660-582-0436 303 E. Summit Dr., Maryville, MO 64468
Michael Emerick Caldwell, Carroll, Livingston Counties M-W-Th-F Ph: 816-632-1459 Veterans Home, 1111 Euclid, Cameron, MO 64429 Tue Ph: 660-646-5051 603 W. Mohawk, Chillicothe, MO 64601
Mark Bruce Chariton, Linn, Macon Counties M-F Ph: 660-385-6192 1716 N. Prospect, Suite A, Macon, MO 63552 2nd & 4th Tue Ph: 660-258-3959 61 Joyce Place, Brookfield, MO 64628
James Nugent Putnam, Sullivan, Schuyler, Adair Counties M-F Ph: 660-785-2460 Courthouse, 106 W. Washington, Kirksville, MO 63501
A full map of State Service Officers can be found at www.mvc.dps.mo.gov/service/serviceofficer.
The Missouri Veterans Commission, a state agency, operates seven State Veterans Homes, five State Veterans Cemeteries, and the Veterans Services Program. The Commission is committed to honoring and serving Missouri's Veterans whose dedication and sacrifices have preserved our nation and its freedoms. For more information about the Missouri Veterans Commission programs, call 573-751-3779, online at www.mvc.dps.mo.gov, or facebook.com/MissouriVeteransCommission.
For more information, call 573-522-1421 or e-mail Daniel.Bell@mvc.dps.mo.gov