Missouri Veterans Commission News Release
January 10, 2012
Deadline for Submitting Veterans and Widows Pension Eligibility Verification Report is March 1, 2012
The Missouri Veterans Commission reminds Missourians that if you are a Veteran with a non-service connected pension or a widow/widower who receives a pension from the VA, and have received an Eligibility Verification Report (EVR), you must fill out and mail the EVR to the VA by March 1, 2012 or your pension will be suspended.
Not all recipients of VA non-service connected pension benefits will receive an EVR. Those who do not will receive a letter from the VA affording an opportunity to submit paid out of pocket medical expenses for possible reimbursement. EVRs are normally mailed out near the end of December and into January and have a 60 day return due date, usually March 1st.
The EVR reports income, assets and out of pocket medical expenses for the previous year and predicts income for the upcoming year. The EVR is a colored form containing pre-printed information covering important dating periods, Social Security Numbers, claim number and the claimant's name and address.
If you believe you should have received an EVR or letter from the VA pertaining to your benefits and have not, please contact the Veterans Service Officer (VSO) who assisted you in obtaining benefits. If you do not have a current VSO, please go online to http://mvc.dps.mo.gov/STV/Site/location.html for the nearest Veterans Service Officer. Or you may call 1-866-VET-INFO, and your inquiry will be emailed to the VSO in your area who will contact you. In addition to assistance completing the EVR, the VSO may also assist you in obtaining additional benefits if your medical condition has worsened or income circumstances have changed.
"Many Veterans, widows, and widowers depend on this pension for daily living," said Veterans Commission Executive Director Larry D. Kay, "any delays in submitting the EVR can have serious consequences on the quality of life and could lead to hardship until the claim is processed.”
The Missouri Veterans Commission, a state agency, operates seven State Veterans Homes, five State Veterans Cemeteries, and the Veterans Services Program. The Commission is committed to honoring and serving Missouri's Veterans whose dedication and sacrifices have preserved our nation and its freedoms. For more information about the Missouri Veterans Commission programs, call 573-751-3779, or online at www.mvc.dps.mo.gov, or facebook.com/MissouriVeteransCommission.
For more information, call 573-522-1421 or e-mail Daniel.Bell@mvc.dps.mo.gov