Veterans playing shuffleboard

The Missouri Veterans Homes Program offers high-quality, compassionate care to Veterans who are in need of 24-hour long-term nursing care. Each of our Veterans Homes, are just that, the home of our nation's heroes. We pride ourselves on serving the Veterans by creating a community of care in a safe and dignified environment.

The 2024 monthly rate for residency is $2,631. This rate is adjusted each year with an expected COLA increase each January.


To be eligible for admission into a Missouri Veterans Home an individual must:

  • Meet criteria established by the VA for Veterans status
  • Be a citizen of Missouri who has maintained a physical residency in Missouri for one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days immediately prior to application
  • Physically living in the state of Missouri or proof of ownership of a residential home in the State of Missouri meets the eligibility requirements for the establishment of residency
  • Not appear on any sex offender registry
  • Not have a criminal history including conviction or guilty plea/nolo contendere in any state (which if committed in Missouri would be) a Class A or B felony violation
  • The Veteran must have documentation from a physician that he/she requires 24-hour skilled nursing care
  • The Veteran’s condition must be such that the Home has the resources to care for him/her

Eligibility and admission decisions are made by a team comprised of the Administrator, Physician, Director of Nursing, Social Worker, Veterans Service Officer, and other professionals as needed.

Application for Admission

All Missouri Veterans Homes are now open for admissions. The application for admission can be found HERE. Items that you will need for a complete application include the following:

  • Copy of DD214
  • Durable Power of Attorney Paperwork
  • Proof of Residency
  • Medical Information

An application is not considered complete unless all forms in the packet are complete. If you have questions about a form, or need assistance filling out information, please contact the Admission Coordinators for the home you are most interested in residing.

Female Veteran holding up Radishes. Person in a cow costume standing behind two veterans sitting in lawn chairs. Veteran sitting at a table eating.

Admission Coordinators

Each of our Homes has a dedicated team member to help answer any questions you may have about the admissions process.

Sheri Gillaspie
Tour Video

Leslie Schmarje
Cape Girardeau
Tour Video

Jessica Wages
Tour Video

Peggy Williams
Mt. Vernon
Tour Video

Angela Engle-Walton
St. James
Tour Video

Lynette Jackson
St. Louis
Tour Video